BOTH calves were sore this morning and it was pouring rain so I grabbed my clothes and went to the GYM at work… I rode the recumbent for 40 minutes and sweated like a pig again. After 15 minutes the heart rate was up to 140 with 233 Watts effort and at the end it was 150+ while maintaining 233 Watts… I want to run again tomorrow but will see how the calves feel…
Hi Mark, I just wanted to say you are doing great. Most people would have used the rain as an excuse not to work out( I know because in the past I have done it myself) but you didn’t. It sounds like you are already seeing changes and improvements in your body and just how you feel ,that’s just great. Keep it up.
140 bpm at 233 watts is excellent Mark! You are in much better shape than I was when I started.