Daily Archives: March 22, 2011

Slow Carb 5-weeks

As I suspected, the plateau is here at 219-220. Body Fat is reading 18% now but I am still very distrustful of body fat measuring methods. This last saturday we went much easier on our consumption of carbs. This should yield a better result at the end of this week. I did eat some cereal and dried fruit yesterday because I had a headache and was tired of using Excedrin to relieve the pain. The pain went away very fast. This is a very good thing as it keeps me very familiar with where my metabolic threshold is.

Project 42 – “Ronnie Lott” – Week 4 (Day 23)

OK…  I took a few days off….5 to be exact!  However, I went skiing at Squaw Valley (epic conditions) and played in the snow with the family, etc…so I did get some exercise.  I ate fairly well but had a little sushi rice and even had a beer here and there so I didn’t lose any weight.  Today, I am back on the program!  I ran my 3.5 miles this morning and was a little easier on myself as far as the heel striking goes…  I am trying to get a feel for how to land on the ball of my foot comfortably and consistently.  Only my left calf felt any significant pain today so I think I am progressing.  The right one will come around I am sure…  I had some other small pains like back, groin, ham string that had me thinking and wondering if running is for me…  However, it felt good to complete the run and it made me feel silly for not exercising for 5 days…  MUST KEEP IT GOING!!!