Monthly Archives: March 2011

I Want My Reward

In building a consistent exercise program it will be important and immensely helpful to reward ourselves for our hard work. Certainly exercise can seem like a chore much of the time and this can easily take over and cause us to make the decision not to exercise at all. Find something appealing about the activity – maybe you like to think about a particular topic and walking helps you to concentrate on that topic. Maybe there is a particular smell you enjoy on your walks or something very appealing to look at such as a beach or a park. Maybe the quiet peaceful morning fog beckons you to go on that meditative like walk or jog. Maybe you have noticed that when you are out there running or walking you can think more clearly and generate ideas much more readily.

Create a reward for yourself upon completion of the activity – maybe a particular breakfast or food item or some play time with your pet or kids. Use these appealing things to get you motivated to go on that walk and build consistency. Over time it will certainly become automatic and then you can start to increase the intensity and frequency of your work-outs.

Project 42 – “Ronnie Lott” – Day 4 – Part II

Forgot to mention what I’ve been eating…

  • Monday:  Veggie omelet/pistachio nuts/pork chops (fat trimmed off)/green beans.
  • Tuesday:  String cheese/mixed veggies/turkey sando with lettuce as bread, cheese, veggies, hummus.
  • Wednesday:  5 eggs/nuts/2 chicken breasts/green beans/1lb lobster/mixed veggies.
  • Thursday: 4 eggs/pistachio nuts/taco salad with no rice, a little guac and a little cheese.

Lots of Water…

Project 42 – “Ronnie Lott” – Day 4

Listen to your body!  I got somewhat mixed messages from my body today, but I must interpret the messages correctly…in other words…interpret them in the way that will keep me going!  Moving forward!  I went out this morning and did 3.5 miles in 42 minutes.  Not a blazing pace but I am happy.  I jogged at least 3/4 of the distance.  I walked the first few blocks to warm up and felt the same pain in shins/calves as before but not as intense.  So, I started jogging and felt a little shaky but after 10 minutes I was feeling good and just kept jogging.  I turned around after 20 minutes and kept jogging back with a little uphill to make it interesting.  About half way back my lower back started to hurt so I jogged a little more and then went back to walking.  I walked at a normal pace for a minute and then picked up the pace to the “brisk” walk I had started with…  After getting home and sitting down and eating some eggs, my groin started to hurt along with the back and calves so I got a little worried.  This is something that has been a problem for me throughout my hockey years and I don’t want it to stop me here.  My body is telling me to ease into this thing!  OK, I can deal with that but I will not be discouraged…  After showering, making lunches, etc…I got in the car and drove to work.  Once alone with my thoughts and feelings in the car, I realized that I FELT FANTASTIC!!!!  Thank you BODY for giving me that last message!

I did take yesterday off to let the shins/calves rest.  If my groin talks to me tomorrow, I may go swim instead…  And, thanks everyone for all the support!

Project 42 – “Ronnie Lott” – Day 2

Day 2:  I weighed myself last night with our new scale and I came in at 264.4 lbs.  Alarm went off at 5:00…hit snooze…then rescheduled for 5:30.  I got up, ate some string cheese and went out for a walk/jog.  Shins and calves hurt but I think it is from skiing at Squaw Valley on Saturday and Sunday.  Jogging made the shin pain go away so I jogged about 1/3 of the time trying to stay on the balls of my feet.  I did 40 minutes this time and felt good other than soreness in legs.  Maybe I will rest the legs tomorrow and do some ab work…

HCG Diet – Yes, it’s snake oil

I’ve been hearing a lot of rumbling lately about this diet so I wanted to summarize the truth for those who might be wondering. Lets begin by stating that HCG is NOT a diet. It’s the acronym for a hormone called Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin. This hormone is only naturally occurring in pregnant females. The idea of the “HCG diet” is that an injection of HCG will suppress appetite so that you can eat 500 calories per day with minimal hunger. There is absolutely no scientific evidence proving that injections of HCG will suppress appetite or, as some web sites claim, increase the uptake of body fat as energy. Plenty of double blind studies were done where placebos were given to half the participants and hcg to the other half with no differences in appetite or fat loss occurring on the same 500 calorie diet. HCG injections are only available by prescription (about $800) and tongue drops sold on the internet only have trace amounts of HCG and ingested forms of HCG that can’t survive the digestive system anyway. So any source of HCG that doesn’t come from a doctor is a scam on top of a scam.

So DUH, of course 500 calories per day is going to yield weight loss. But here is the problem. Eating such low levels of calories subjects your body to hardships that will result in health problems you want to avoid. Weight loss DOES NOT NECESSARILY EQUAL HEALTHY! The idea to losing weight is actually to lose FAT. The problem is on a 500 calorie per day diet you will also lose muscle and deprive your body of the nutrients it desperately needs for normal healthy function. You cannot make up the difference with bodyfat alone. The ADA (American Dietetic Association) does not recommend anyone go lower than 1200 calories per day. Most people burn more than 500 calories when they are asleep at night! The fact of the matter is that most people who try 500 calorie per day diets suffer many problems such as fainting, headaches, hair loss, loss of energy and mood drops. Yes I understand there is a small minority of people who can go on 500 calories per day and not have side effects, but I’m willing to bet that if those people had a full medical checkup and blood test they would indeed see problems what were not apparent otherwise. There is plenty of information on the web about this silly excuse for a diet and I encourage anyone interested to seek it out. But a word of caution; many of these sources of information are bought and paid for by companies trying to sell HCG.

So my recommendation is don’t do this diet unless you really don’t care about your health. There is a much better way to achieve proper body composition with healthy habits like exercise and the proper nutritional support.