Daily Archives: October 1, 2009

Weight Loss = Failure

How many advertisements for weight loss products do we get thrown up in our faces on a daily basis? Pills, diets, kettle balls, ab devices, vitamin supplements, gym memberships, etc etc. They hit us from all sides. “30 days to the summer body of your dreams”. Television, magazines, newspapers, billboards, web sites and the sides of buses. Engaging in any type of fitness or eating program with the goal to lose weight is a sure way to failure. Why? Because it’s temporary. Health and fitness is not temporary. Health is with you until you die. You either have poor health or you have good health, but either way our health is something we all have and it needs to be taken care of all the time. Weight adjustments should only be viewed as a side effect of good health management.

Roman Polanski – I Don’t Care.

To CNN, please stop showing me detailed information about Roman Polanski and his past crimes and films about his crimes or whatever – I just don’t care. Please take a poll as to how many people watching your programming actually care about this guy. If I want info on Roman Polanski Ill go watch entertainment tonight or read US magazine or whatever other hollywood rag its being covered in. I don’t watch CNN for this – I want relevant world news or I change the channel. Stick with Health Care. Stick with the wars in the middle east. Stick with issues affecting all Americans. Make sure your advertisers know how many viewers you are losing for them when you decide to cover this kind of useless information.