Think Yourself Skinny?

OK so here is the latest technique to losing weight. Are you ready? It’s called habituation. The idea is that by visualizing yourself eating a food you really enjoy eating, you stimulate the pleasure centers of the brain enough so that when the time comes to actually eat the food you will eat less of it and be satisfied. Simple, right?

*beating head against keyboard*

The problem I have with habituation isn’t whether it works or not, but rather that weight loss seems to be the goal of this technique rather than building a strong, lean, healthy body by eating healthy, nutrient dense foods. Instead we are trying to play tricks on our heads by visualizing eating junk food so that when we actually eat junk food we don’t eat as much of it and lose weight. How many people do you know who’ve gotten fat from overeating healthy food? I certainly have never heard of such a person. The really great thing about eating healthy, nutrient rich, un-processed foods is that they usually taste just good enough to keep us interested and satisfied but not so much that we binge on them. Perfect.  Why mess with this successful formula?

I’m going to keep saying this in hopes that I may actually reach at least 1 or 2 people. There are no shortcuts. Having a healthy, strong, sexy looking and sexy feeling body requires hard work, proper nutrition and adequate sleep. Weight loss is not the goal. HEALTHY BODY RECOMPOSITION is the goal. This means maximizing muscle activity and allowing fat stores to adjust to proper, healthy levels. Stop looking for shortcuts unless you want to keep failing. Educate yourself! The information is out there if you pay attention and know where to look. LEARN about your body. MOVE your body. The panacea is simple and millions of people are already engaged in it – it’s called EXERCISE! DO IT. LIVE IT. LOVE IT.

One thought on “Think Yourself Skinny?

  1. julie

    I have to say that I tried all those short cuts for the last 20 years taking diet pills and other things to take the weight off and not really exercising. I just wish I would have listened sooner. I totally agree that a healthy diet and exercise it the only way . I actually love eating healthy and I love exercising even more. I have you to thank for putting me on the right track.
    Keep it you I love you for it…..)

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