Pond Hockey with the Winter Hawks

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These past couple of weeks we have seen an unusually cold time here in Portland with no precipitation. Most days have been sub-freezing and the nights have been in the teens. Last thursday night I caught a brief piece on the news about a frozen casting pond at Westmoreland Park where people were ice skating. How cool is that? The weekend was shaping up to be warmer with good chance of freezing rain or snow so I decided to throw my skates in the car and head out early friday morning to see this frozen pond for myself. I wasn’t sure of the size but it turns out this pond is big enough to fit about 8 ice rinks inside it. When I arrived there were about 20-30 people of all kinds skating and it looked fantastic! This would be the first time I ever had the chance to skate outdoors. This is the kind of thing you just don’t see in Portland. I stuck around for a few hours and just had a blast. The Winter Hawks even showed up and brought a net with them. It was all very informal and we eventually had a big game going on that was basically the Hawks against everyone else. It was crazy fun! It’s a day I won’t soon forget. [album id=3 template=compact]Photos by Justin Pick

2 thoughts on “Pond Hockey with the Winter Hawks

  1. Todd Post author

    Yes thankfully all the camera guys covering the event knew instinctually that I am not photogenic, so they kept the camera off me. Wish you could have been there Mark.

  2. Mark

    Todd… I saw your legs a few times in these videos, but you were just coasting (standing) while others were getting on camera. What’s up with that? Are you shy or something? 🙂

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