Project 42 – Work, Work, Work…

OK…  I didn’t work out for almost 2 weeks.  I had an overdue deadline at work and lots of pressure to get it done.  I got up at 4am for many days in a row and worked until kid pickups and then back to work after dinner and the weekend in between.  Whew!  I got it done last Friday and had a nice weekend and even went on a bike ride with Brock and his friend Kiernan.  I am back now!  I worked on a machine called a “Total Body Cross Ramp” yesterday which felt awkward at first but I actually liked it by the time I was done.  This machine kind of simulates running up a ramp but you can also go in reverse which feels like you are running backwards.  As you probably know, running backwards is very difficult and is a great workout if you do it for a while…  I did the last 10 minutes of my 45 minute workout backwards…  Today I did the Elliptical for 50 minutes but totally wanted to stop after 10 minutes.  I did not feel good and was dreading the next 40 minutes….but then some good songs came on the headphones and I started feeling good and by minute 30 I was in a groove like I had not found before.  I felt like I could pull a tractor across a football field.  What a great feeling and I kept it up until the end…  I will keep working this week and next…  Cheers and GO BRUINS!!!!

Active Workouts

I can’t tell you how many times I hear people exclaim that they have tried every kind of workout, exercise and diet plan, but still can’t lose weight. BULLSHIT! There is no person out there I can’t take and instruct on proper exercise and eating techniques and not show results. I guarantee it. And when I say results, I mean get them down to a healthy body composition, make them stronger, have more energy, even feel 10 years younger.

In the gym I pay a lot of attention to the way people work out. I can’t help it, I’m a trainer. It’s just what we do. Much of the time I see people moving weights back and forth in very passive and almost relaxed ways. I even saw a lady recently reading a book while she was doing leg presses. Even worse is the very sloppy form that people usually exhibit. It’s truly sad that people haven’t really bothered to do any real research on the proper ways to exercise and get healthy. I can see them getting frustrated and spinning their wheels. Especially the ladies who seem to think doing bench presses with 5 pound dumbbells is going to do anything for them and that if they go any heavier their muscles will suddenly get huge and bulky as if Harry Potter just waves his magic wand.

The real tragedy here is that women can benefit from proper weight training much more so than men. Women are naturally carrying much more fat and less muscle to begin with. Strong heavy intense weight training can really give a woman those fat burning results they so desire yet are too afraid to go after due to fear. They can also put muscle in the bank as they age so the fat storage systems in their body are much less effective when they get older. I guess most of them are out looking for quick fix surgery or the latest magic skin cream to give them their miracle results. It’s truly a shame so many of them can’t see what is right in front of them.

So the sad fact is that too many people don’t bother to think about what they are doing when they step up to a resistance machine or free weights. They don’t bother to focus on the lift. They don’t bother to learn about WHY they are dong a particular exercise. And they don’t really learn to bring any degree of intensity to their workouts. It’s no wonder so many people think that working out doesn’t work at losing weight.

Slow Not Fast

For those of you who watch that scale day by day just aching to see the number reduce in size… here is a little reality check for you. Let me first state that this article is primarily for those people who are already at or near a healthy bodyfat level for their age and height. Fat reduction for people who are really obese is very different than the rest of us.

Fat loss is a slow, not fast process. Let me assure you that the fat on your body is resistant to burn off and subject to come back very easily at the slightest sign of weakness. In simple terms, a single pound of fat accounts for 3500 calories consumed above what your body needed for other functions. So if you see that scale jump 2 pounds in one day and you think it was all fat then that would require a calorie deficit of 7000 calories for the previous day. This means that if you ate 2000 calories the previous day then you would have had to do 9000 calories of activity to account for the deficit. Professional athletes who train all the time don’t burn this many calories. The only thing in your body that can so drastically change in weight and volume in such short periods of time is water. To illustrate what I’m talking about, weigh yourself first thing in the morning and then at various times throughout the day. You will soon notice that the scale change can easily jump around plus or minus 3-5 pounds. I’ve had mine jump as much as 8 pounds in a single day.

So remember the next time you jump on that scale that your body is made up of many different things, most of which is water, and much less of which is fat. This is the reason that body fat specific measurements are taken by professional trainers to rely on progress rather than the scale. The scale is a very crude and unreliable instrument for measuring small incremental changes in body composition. I recommend weighing yourself no more than once per week.

Project 42 – Keeping it up…

OK…  I haven’t written in a while but I have been exercising.  I did 45 minutes on the Elliptical today.  Last Friday I tried to run in the Vibram 5s again but my groin hurt so I stopped after 20 minutes and moved to the Elliptical for 25 minutes more.  I did 45 minutes on the elliptical on Tuesday or Wednesday of last week also and the previous Saturday ran for 30 minutes and walked briskly for 1 hour the same day (or night).  This was part of a fundraiser called “Relay for Live” to support the American Cancer Society.  We had a team that walked/ran for 24 hours to raise money for Cancer Research.

I have been eating well with lots of salads, veggies, and fresh Salmon thanks to a 22 lb hog we got early Saturday morning on my friend Jeff’s boat…  🙂  Jeff brought him in and I netted him…