Monthly Archives: January 2010

Hair has memory?

Have you ever noticed how certain hair on your body grows out to a certain length and then stops while other hair seems to grow indefinitely regardless of how many times you cut it or shave it off? What is that about? Why can’t I get the hair on my face to stop growing? Why does the hair on my arms or chest grow back, but only to a specific length and then stop? Is it possible to rewire these hairs to do what we want them to? Where’s my geneticist?

“I don’t know”

I have a love/hate relationship with this statement. On the one hand it drives me insane when I don’t know something. I must know.  On the other hand, when I make this statement it means I am about to embark on a search to find the answers. To KNOW. I love knowing. The process of learning and discovering something I didn’t know is a very satisfying one.